Picture and mirror hanging

Avoid damage to your items or walls! Hire your Quick Pro today to install or hang art and mirrors that will elevate your spaces.
Excellent rating - 4.5/5 (9200+ reviews)

Local Pros at Your Service:

Fast, Reliable Connections
Art Installation
Animal Mounts
… or anything else
It only takes 2 minutes. And it's free.

How Quick works?

1. Tell us about your task

Choose a date and time that works for you, and tell us what you need.

2. Leave the details with our Pro

At your specified date and time, your Quick Pro will arrive fully prepared to get the task done. It's that simple!

3. Pay When Job is Done

Quick makes sure your task  is done right, on time, and on budget.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you help with deciding placement?

Absolutely! We can assess the items and intended walls/areas and can give you our professional advice for optimal aesthetics as well as safety factors to consider.

Do I need to provide any tools?

If your piece comes with a hanging kit, please let your Quick Pro know as well as any instructions that came with it. Otherwise, our professionals arrive with all hardware, tools, ladders, etc.

Do you work with galleries or commercial settings?

Yes, our team of trained professionals can assist with interior and exterior wall items for residences as well as galleries, studios, offices, theatres, schools, hotels and any other business in need of our handyman services.