Dry-wall Patch & Fix

Need a drywall repair? Our team of Quick Heroes is ready to service you at your convenience.
Excellent rating - 4.5/5 (9200+ reviews)

We cover the following services:

Fast, Reliable Connections
Small Hole
Large Hole
Cut Out the Damaged Area
Cut and Install Support
Drywall Patch
Tape and Seal the Drywall
… or anything else
It only takes 2 minutes. And it's free.

How Quick works?

1. Tell us about your task

Choose a date and time that works for you, and tell us what you need.

2. Leave the details with our Pro

At your specified date and time, your Quick Pro will arrive fully prepared to get the task done. It's that simple!

3. Pay When Job is Done

Quick makes sure your task  is done right, on time, and on budget.

Frequently Asked Questions

What size holes can be fixed with drywall?

Generally, drywall compound works best for holes between ½’’ and 6’’. If bigger, the hole would require reinforcement with pieces of drywall, wood strips, mesh, etc.

How can a bumpy wall be fixed?

Our Quick Heroes are trained to determine the best course of action upon assessing the situation in person. However, the general procedure would be to remove the paint, sand the wall well and repaint.

How long does a drywall repair take?

Depending on the size of the hole and the work that needs to be done in general, the process itself can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. The curing process would then take a few days to fully dry.